- National Orchid Societies & Publications
- Orchid Conservation Groups
- Orchid Databases
- Orchid Discussion Groups
- General Orchid Sites
- Specialized Orchid Sites
- Orchid Photography Sites
- Lists of Orchid Links
National Societies and Publications
- American Orchid Society - Designed to offer an online introduction to the art and science of growing orchids, as well as a timely reference. Publishes several magazines as well as numerous books and pamphlets. Affiliated with the OSSC.
- Orchid Digest - Quarterly magazine concerning the culture, growing, hybridization, use and appreciation of orchids, and the activities of orchid organizations. Started as a mimeographed publication of the OSSC in the early 1950's. Affiliated with the
Orchid Conservation Groups
- Orchid Conservation Coalition - An organization that encourages donations to orchid conservation organizations through its 1% for Orchid Conservation program, in which OSSC is a participant.
- Orchid Conservation Alliance - A non-profit organization that accepts donations toward international orchid conservation programs. OSSC made it's first donation to the OCA in 2008.
- Orchid Recovery Center at Illinois University- integrates undergraduate student learning with the conservation of North America’s rarest native orchids.
Orchid Databases
- Jay Pfahl's Internet Orchid Photo Encyclopedia - A wonderful and ever-expanding resource for species orchids, many with photos, including cultural and taxonomic information. Now featuring over 10,000 species from over 750 genera.
- The International Orchid Register - Search the massive hybrid orchid database maintained by The Royal Horticultural Society by genus and/or grex to determine the parents of your favorite orchids!
- Orchid Picture Reference Database - A great resource created by the London Orchid Society (Ontario, Canada), this is a keyword-searchable database containing over 138,000 links to pictures found in over 1500 picture sources, including all of the AOS Bulletin/Orchids magazines from 1970 to the present and all of the AOS Awards Quarterly magazines up to the end of 2007 as well as general plant and garden books and many catalogues and popular magazines.
- BibliOrchidea - The world’s largest database for orchid
literature with more than 160,000 entries, covering about 90 percent of
the existing literature.
Orchid Discussion Groups
- rec.gardens.orchids - Internet newsgroup with many active users. (Don't have USENET support from your ISP? Try this to access this group).
- Orchidweb Forum - Run by the American Orchid Society.
- Orchid Board - Specialized orchid forums, online chats, culture tips, blogs, glossary, and more. Requires free registration to use forums.
- OrchidSpring Discussion Board - Maintained by Papua New Guinea Orchid News, an active board with specialized forums.
- Gardenweb Orchid Forum - Run by Gardenweb.com.
- Orchid Safari - On-line chat, twice a week. Archives available.
- The Orchid Guide Digest - Internet listserver that generates a weekly digest of messages sent by subscribers.
- alt.binaries.pictures.orchids - New Internet newsgroup focused on sharing pictures of orchids. (Don't have USENET support from your ISP? Try this to access this group).
- orchidforums.net - Web site to discussion of orchids, with specialized sections dedicated to orchid pests and identification. User registration is free.
- Garden Watchdog at Dave's Garden - A directory of gardening resources, including orchid vendors, with over 30,000 user comments rating over 6000 vendors. A great resource before ordering online!
- orchidgeeks.com - An orchid-centric forum with orchid gallery and calendar. User registration is free.
- The
Orchid Source - An orchid-centric forum with separate species
and hybrid orchid galleries.
General Orchid Sites
- Linda's Orchid Page - Rich in information and resources for beginner, intermediate, and advanced growers.
- The Orchid House - Orchid FAQ's, cultural and judging information, lots of orchid links as well.
- Orchid Flower Guide - Site with links containing interesting information on many orkchid species.
Specialized Orchid Sites
- Cymbidium Society of America - An international orchid society that specializes in Cymbidium, Paphiopedilum, and Phragmipedium species and hybrids. Website features information on orchid culture, local branches, a forum, and more.
- Paphs.net - Pictures, culture, and links to vendors of paphiopedilum orchids.
- Slipper Orchid Forum - An active forum dedicated to slipper orchids, with user polls and specialized merchandise, even slipper orchid games!
- Papua New Guinea Orchid News - Comprehensive site with news, links, and many photos of orchids found in Papua New Guinea.
- Orchid Culture Temperature Comparison Chart - This website
creates a chart that compares the average temperatures of an orchid
grower’s location to that of an orchid’s native habitat.
Orchid Photography Sites
- The Orchid Photo Page - Repository for orchid photos taken by AOS photographer Greg Alikas. Includes orchid photography tips and links to other photos taken by Mr. Alikas.
- Flowershots - Orchid and flower photography by author and lecturer Ron Parsons.
- Orchid Terrace - Stunning images of orchids grown and photographed by OSSC member Charles B.Boco.
- Eric Hunt's Alphabetized Orchid Species Photographs - An ever-growing collection of beautiful photographs of species orchids recently taken by Mr. Hunt.
- OrchidSpring Gallery - Sponsored by Papua New Guinea Orchid News, with over 2600 spectacular photos.
- Orchid Desktop Wallpapers - Hundreds of free, large-format
orchid photos brought to you by Vat19.com. These are perfect for
bringing the beauty of orchids to your workplace or home computer.
Be sure to select the size of the photo you want using the drop-down
above the photo.
List of Orchid Links
- The Orchid Mall - "Your Complete Online Orchid Resource Center" with extensive links to vendors, orchid culture sites, orchid societies and events, speakers, photographic sites, and special interests. Also features orchid-related classified ads.
- Orchids Online Web Design - Links to Australian and USA vendors and orchid societies, plus an online auction and Web design services.
- ORCHIDWIRE - A searchable database of links to 1455 orchid
resources in 58 countries.